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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#268 Drama Response

Our tendency as humans to have a drama response to situations is so normal.  But not helpful.  Dropping into drama expends a lot of energy, causes us to show up in ways we're not proud of later, and o...

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#267 Should & Shame

'Should' is a word that is used way more in our conversations than it 'should' be.  It's a passive-aggressive word that pulls our judgment and lack of acceptance into a nice little bundle that says, '...

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#266 When It's Not Your Fault

There are things in life that happen to us that are not our fault.  For example, our spouse may have an affair and want a divorce.  To stay out of victim mentality, it's important that we step into re...

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#265 Greatest Hits - What Are You Sorry For?

Another blast from the past!  I love this episode so much, it's a replay of episode #195, What Are You Sorry For?  'I'm sorry' is probably one of the most used phrases by women in our society.  We hav...

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#264 Greatest Hits - Still Being a Martyr

Engaging in martyr behavior can be really easy for so many of us.  In this week's podcast we're digging deeper into specific behaviors that a martyr engages in, and also ways that you can start to wor...

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#263 Greatest Hits - Being a Martyr

This week I'm playing for you another great podcast from the past. Being a martyr is something that can come so easily for many of us, and being able to recognize how and when and where it is showing ...

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#262 Greatest Hits - The Law of the Lid

The Law of the Lid is a concept taught by John C. Maxwell, a leadership expert.  When applied to the work we do here, we are talking about how our own self love puts a lid on our capacity to both give...

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#261 No More Growing Old Gracefully with Kwavi Agbeyegbe

You know that phrase 'growing old gracefully'?  It's time for a shift.  How about we all start thinking about Growing Old Boldly?  My friend, and fellow mid-life coach Kwavi, joins me today for a disc...

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#260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability

What makes a person lovable?  Is it their charisma?  Their kindness?  Their willingness to serve?  Actually, it isn't any of those things.  Those things might make it easier to love someone, but wheth...

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#259 The Sometimes Space

When we struggle to show up our best selves, it can be really frustrating, even disheartening.  And when we have a tendency to get on our case and even beat ourselves up for our mistakes and short-com...

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#258 Communication That Connects

Communication can be the source of our greatest connections to other people, or it can be the source of some of our greatest disconnections to other people.  When communication is not happening or whe...

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#257 Other People’s Agency

Have you ever said something like, 'I just wish I could take their agency away and make them do what I know is best for them!'?  I think probably most of us have at some point, especially if we have a...

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