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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#348 Entitled Expectation

Expectation is a funny word. It means that we think something should happen a certain way or that someone should behave in a certain way, two things we rarely, if ever, have control over. What I’ve fo...

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#342 What Does Vulnerability Look Like?

If we are going to be all-in in our relationships, we have to be vulnerable, and that can feel super scary.  Sometimes it's difficult because we are in a new relationship and it can be hard to be the ...

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#244 The Relationship Circle

The relationship circle is a concept that helps us to stay in our own lanes and resist the temptation to try and take control of things that aren't ours to control.  When we more clearly understand ho...

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#236 None of Your Business

We tend to put our noses into a lot of things that are none of our business, and it ends up hurting our relationships.  In this podcast we are talking about three things that are none of our business,...

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#228 Our Relationship Rules

Sione (my husband) and I have some rules we feel make a huge difference in helping us to create the intimate partnership we want.  These were put in place the weekend we decided to date exclusively, a...

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#224 Compassion and Curiosity

Learning to replace shame and judgment with compassion and curiosity in our relationships with ourselves and with others will create a huge shift in the quality and intimacy of those relationships.  W...

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#220 Being Low-Maintenance

I love low maintenance things, and I put a lot of value on being low maintenance in my marriage.  But with the tools I now have, I can see that in my previous marriage the things I considered would me...

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#216 One-Up and One-Down Relationships

When we think that someone is better or worse than we are, we are engaging in one-upping or one-downing, and it's really harmful for our relationships.  To really created connection and intimacy with ...

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#215 Being Seen and Being Heard

Women in middle-age can often struggle with feeling seen and heard.  And with the social conditioning of the 70s and 80s, it's not surprising.  But if we are to create the intimate, equal partnerships...

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#212 Healing Your Disconnected Relationships

Most of us have relationships where we feel disconnected.  Sometimes things have happened in them and now there is a rift and we don't know how to feel the same closeness and connection that we used t...

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#210 Greatest Hits - Love It Before You Leave It

Download TranscriptIt seems so easy to think that if we change our circumstance that things will get better, and they might, for a very short time.  Eventually we will catch up with circumstance and f...

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#209 Greatest Hits - Are You Motivated By Love or Fear?

One of the best ways to start digging deep into ourselves and seeing what's holding us back is to start looking at our motivation for what we do.  And ultimately, always, it comes back to love or fear...

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