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#348 Entitled Expectation

alignment better relationships entitled entitlement expectations healthyrelationships livinginalignment marriage relationships Feb 24, 2025

Expectation is a funny word. It means that we think something should happen a certain way or that someone should behave in a certain way, two things we rarely, if ever, have control over. What I’ve found is that expectations I have are often a cause of shame for the other person, and also for me. And shame is never a productive emotion. And yet, it’s hard not to have expectations. So, how do we move away from the expectations we feel entitled to have and instead offer more grace for humanity and more kindness for struggle?

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Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:

#148 Grace and Grudges in Our Relationships

#216 One-Up and One-Down Relationships

#227 Staying in Your Own Lane

#241 Forgiving Others

#257 Other People’s Agency

#268 Drama Response

#290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships

#304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives

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