Free Consultation

  Emotional Intimacy for Couples

$475/couple, class limited to 5 couples

Wednesday nights - 5pm PT / 6pm MT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET

9 weeks, 60-min. classes

Sept 18Sept 25Oct 2 Oct 9Oct 16Oct 23 Oct 30Nov 6Nov 13

If there is one thing that will deepen the connection and friendship in your marriage, it is emotional intimacy. Learning how to engage in vulnerability and true honesty will do more to help you know your partner better and also be known by your partner, in a deep and engaging way.

Problem is, many of us have patterns of protective behavior that are holding us back and keeping us stuck in a shallow and unfulfilling relationship. And, we’re not even aware that these patterns exist. Creating this awareness around our dysfunctional and destructive patterns, addressing them, and then learning how to create a safe place for our partner to do the same will move your relationship from roommates or passive partners into intimate and connected friends and lovers.

This class is for you if:

  You and your partner want to stop the destructive patterns of thinking and behavior that isolate, undermine, and hurt each other.

  You want to lay the foundation for deeper connection and intimacy.

  An Equal Relationship

$250/person, class limited to 10 participants

Wednesdays - 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET

9 weeks, 60-min. classes

Sept 18Sept 25Oct 2 Oct 9Oct 16Oct 23 Oct 30Nov 6Nov 13

So much of the social and religious conditioning we received growing up has created a strong tendency in many of us to think of ourselves as either less-than or better-than. This one-up and one-down thinking lays the foundation for an unequal partnership and destroys the hope for living in love and harmony.

When you can learn to identify your own one-up and one-down behaviors, and step into equality instead, you can change the course of your relationship for the better, even if your partner isn’t ‘doing the work’. One person can change the dance steps in the marriage, and you showing up as an equal, even if you’re not always treated that way, will empower you and change the dynamic of your relationship.

In this class, you will:

  Learn to identify your own one-up and one-down thoughts and behaviors.

  Understand and learn to show up as an equal partner.

  Ready, Set, Date

$250/person, class limited to 10 participants

Monday nights - 5pm PT / 6pm MT / 7pm CT / 8pm ET

9 weeks, 60-min. classes

Sept 16Sept 23Sept 30 Oct 7Oct 14Oct 21 Oct 28Nov 4Nov 11

Dating in mid-life is a different beast than when we were in our teens and 20s. There is so much more at stake (such as children, houses, retirement accounts, etc.) and it can feel overwhelming to even start the process. And with the second marriage divorce rate hovering around 67%, we have good reason to hesitate.

When we jump into dating and relationships before we have done the work to clean up our dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behaving, and before we have stepped into a stronger sense of self, our chances of a successful (meaning happy and fulfilling and not just that we don’t get divorced) relationship are slim.

But creating a healthy, successful marriage later in life is entirely possible.  With the right growth, understanding, and tools, you can have a dating experience that is engaging, growth-inducing, and taps into relationship potential.

In this class, we will:

  Work on finding and embracing your true self.

  Acknowledge your own contributions to previous difficult relationships.

  Learn how to show up dating in a way that will ensure you enjoy the process and increase your chances of finding your person.

Mid-life dating doesn’t have to be a horrible experience. Let me help you create experiences that will make the process not only enjoyable, but productive as well.