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Intentional Living

The Podcast

#342 What Does Vulnerability Look Like?

If we are going to be all-in in our relationships, we have to be vulnerable, and that can feel super scary.  Sometimes it's difficult because we are in a new relationship and it can be hard to be the ...

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#244 The Relationship Circle

The relationship circle is a concept that helps us to stay in our own lanes and resist the temptation to try and take control of things that aren't ours to control.  When we more clearly understand ho...

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#228 Our Relationship Rules

Sione (my husband) and I have some rules we feel make a huge difference in helping us to create the intimate partnership we want.  These were put in place the weekend we decided to date exclusively, a...

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#220 Being Low-Maintenance

I love low maintenance things, and I put a lot of value on being low maintenance in my marriage.  But with the tools I now have, I can see that in my previous marriage the things I considered would me...

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#216 One-Up and One-Down Relationships

When we think that someone is better or worse than we are, we are engaging in one-upping or one-downing, and it's really harmful for our relationships.  To really created connection and intimacy with ...

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#214 How To Stop Being ‘The Fixer’

Do you identify with being a 'Fixer'?  Here's the thing.  We really do think that we're fixing things and making them better.  But the hard truth is that we're actually making things worse and breakin...

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#212 Healing Your Disconnected Relationships

Most of us have relationships where we feel disconnected.  Sometimes things have happened in them and now there is a rift and we don't know how to feel the same closeness and connection that we used t...

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#203 Cleaning Up Your Apology

Being willing to apologize is an important part of healthy relationships.  But when our reasons for apologizing are not so clean, it can sometimes do more damage than if we don't apologize.  Really lo...

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#162 My 90-day Relationship

I recently completed what is called a 90-day relationship - a predetermined time for a relationship in which you commit to intentionally create a healthy partnership and work through all of the inevit...

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#161 Developing More Intimacy in Your Relationships

Sometimes our relationships can tend to get a little shallow. Specifically I notice my relationship with God, with myself, and with others can all struggle at times. That's because relationships are n...

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