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#351 Grace, Shame, and Letting Yourself Off the Hook

#grace #oneuponedown #oneuponedownrelationships #relationshiprepair #senseofself #shame #shouldingyourself Mar 17, 2025

Sometimes we go into a one-down space and spin in shame, other times we might go into a one-up space and justify our poor behavior by blaming others, both responses that harm our relationships. When we can, instead, approach our struggles from an ‘all people are equal’ mentality, we have the capacity to offer ourselves grace for our humanity. Understanding that all people are humans who make mistakes, who are figuring it out, levels the playing field and gives us permission to offer ourselves and others grace for those human moments.

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Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:

#34 Self-Compassion

#39 Guilt & Shame

#148 Grace & Grudges in Our Relationships

#216 One-Up and One-Down Behaviors

#225 Shame, Blame, and Disempowerment

#242 Circling Back Around

#267 Should & Shame

#290 Resentment and Contempt in Our Relationships

#331 Sense of Self

#332 Sense of Self – It’s All in Your Head

#333 Sense of Self and Dating

#334 Sense of Self and Marriage

#335 Sense of Self and Parenting

#347 The Self Care of Relationship Repair

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