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#349 It’s Okay If People Don’t Like You

#cleanlove #otherpeoplesagency #otherpeoplesopinions #peoplepleasing #selfworth #senseofself #stayinyourownlane Mar 03, 2025

All of us have people who don’t like us, even if we are the most kind and Christlike person we know. It’s just part of our human experience. When we can learn to accept other people’s agency to not like us, we can let go of self-defeating behaviors like people-pleasing, perfectionist tendencies, trying to buy their love with time, money, energy, or resources, or beating ourselves up for ‘not being enough.’ The stronger our sense of self, the more we don’t need other people liking us, or validating us, to feel valuable and of worth. It really is okay if other people don't like you.

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Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:

#77 Other People’s Opinions

#92 Clean Love

#220 Being Low Maintenance

#230 People-Pleasing

#257 Other People’s Agency

#268 Drama Response

#270 People Pleasing and Kindness - What's the Difference?

#272 Stay In Your Own Lane

#305 When We Don’t Feel Good Enough

#327 Learning to Love Your Human Self

#331 Sense of Self

#332 Sense of Self – It’s All In Your Head

#333 Sense of Self and Dating

#334 Sense of Self and Marriage

#335 Sense of Self and Parenting

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