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#336 Sense of Self and Our Spirituality

Dec 02, 2024

How does our sense of self impact our spirituality, or our ability to connect with God? Significantly. When we have a strong sense of self we see ourselves as worthy of God's love, deserving of His mercy, and accepting of His grace. When we have a struggling sense of self we don't beieve that God could love us and forgive us for our human frailties. Though God is always there with love and an outstretched hand, our feelings of worth and confidence will determine whether we are willing and able to reach out and accept what He is offering us. Our connection to God, our spirituality, is determined not by what God is offering, but by what we are willing to accept.

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Thanks for listening! Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:

29 Validation

34 Self-Compassion

46 Choosing to Love Yourself

78 Playing Small

104 Cultivating Self-Love

105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future

106 Fierce Self-Love

113 Self-Acceptance

114 Confidence

137 Not Enough? Not True

215 Being Seen and Being Heard

247 The Value in Knowing Our Value

260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability

304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives

327 Learning to Love Your Human Self

331 Sense of Self

332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head

333 Sense of Self and Dating

334 Sense of Self and Marriage

335 Sense of Self and Parenting

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