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#335 Sense of Self and Parenting

Nov 25, 2024

Having a strong sense of self is so valuable in our parenting journey.  It allows for us to have healthy, strong, and beautiful relationships with our children, where a struggling sense of self breaks down our relationships and actually creates more struggle with our sense of self.  The work we do to develop our sense of self will allow us to have better boundaries with our adult children and also stop people-pleasing in an effort to earn their love and acceptance.  This strong sense of self empowers us to honor their agency and not feel threatened or insecure when they choose paths that we weren't anticipating.  We just can't go wrong with a healthy sense of self.

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Thanks for listening!  Want to learn more about this concept?  Check out these podcasts:

29 Validation

34 Self-Compassion

46 Choosing to Love Yourself

99 Parenting Adult Children

104 Cultivating Self-Love

105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future

106 Fierce Self-Love

113 Self-Acceptance

129 Parenting Discomfort

157 Friend-Zoning Your Adult Children

180 Better Relationships with Our Adult Children

182 How Our 'Wayward' Children Bless Our Lives

202 Pain, Peace, and Parenting Disengaged Adult Children

237 You'll Never Be Enough for Your Children

260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability

304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives

318 The Challenge of Parenting Adult Children

327 Learning to Love Your Human Self

331 Sense of Self

332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head

333 Sense of Self and Dating

334 Sense of Self and Marriage

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