#333 Sense of Self and Dating
Nov 11, 2024
Continuing on with our sense of self series, today we are applying it to dating. When we have a strong sense of self, we approach dating with courage, confidence, and conviction. We aren't afraid of saying 'no' or being rejected. That's not to say we love it when it happens, but it doesn't rock our world because we understand that people's preferences don't mean anything about us. A strong sense of self approaches dating from an abundance mindset, while a reflective sense of self approaches it from a scarcity mindset. And a scarcity mindset will set us up for a struggling relationship, while an abundance mindset will more naturally steer clear of people who won't be a good fit, and we won't be willing to 'settle'. A strong sense of self is the key to having a fun and successful dating in mid-life experience.
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Want to learn more about this concept? Check out these podcasts:
29 Validation
34 Self-Compassion
46 Choosing to Love Yourself
78 Playing Small
104 Cultivating Self-Love
105 Self-Love In Our Past, Present, and Future
106 Fierce Self-Love
113 Self-Acceptance
114 Confidence
137 Not Enough? Not True
162 My 90-day Relationship
198 My Last 90 Day Relationship
215 Being Seen and Being Heard
247 The Value in Knowing Our Value
260 Your Lovability and Your Love Ability
293 Dating in Mid-life
294 The 90-day Relationship How To 304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives
327 Learning to Love Your Human Self
331 Sense of Self 332 Sense of Self - It's All In Your Head