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#324 Greatest Hits - The Tolerable Life

Sep 09, 2024

It can be super easy to slide into a life that we're not passionate about.  I've heard so many people say that their life isn't what they want, but it's okay.  They have leearned to tolerate a life that feels far below what their spirit is aching for.  And that's not okay.  You have great things to do and amazing contributions to make in this world, and it won't happen when you are living a tolerable life.  Moving out of this life requires courage and a boatload of work, but it is so worth it when you feel a deep fulfillment and a 'coming home' to who you are meant to be.  So, how do we stop tolerating a life that we don't love?  We start to recognize when and where we're tolerating and we courage up to creating movement.  Let's do this!

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